Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

166 posts follow

photos, food, review, vegetarian, breakfast

snausage review

updated December 2023 As a non-meat-eater, I'm not partial to "fake meat" as a rule. If I wanted to eat meat, I'd eat meat; I don't need a wheat gluten simulation of duck to make me happy. The exception is veggie breakfast sausages (or as we call them, "snausages") for…

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cookware, brunch, review, recipies, eggs

your next nonstick pan

Let's face it, nonstick pans require replacement every few years. No matter how good the pan is, the Teflon coating eventually becomes damaged and then it's just an aluminum pan. For that reason, it never pays to spend too much on a nonstick pan. On the other hand, I want…

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food, recipes, brunch, american food, good first recipe

fried apples & onions

Ready for the ultimate autumn brunch food, courtesy of Little House on the Prairie? It's fried apples & onions. One thing Laura Ingalls Wilder could do is cook the American comfort food of the nineteenth century, and this is it. Besides, it's early November and if your grocer is anything…

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photos, mugs, making pottery, pottery

Making your handles stick

When I was learning to throw, how I was taught to attach handles and other pieces of clay to each other was: score heavily with a fork (both pieces) add thick slip to both pieces score the slip push them together until slip squished out clean off the excess add…

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Cult Wars: Neat vs. Nut

It's the the battle of the titans! In da left corner, we have Sri Chinmoy! This deceased quasi-Indian cult leader, marathon runner and flautist, through his restaurants such as Ananda Fuara in San Francisco, brings us the Neatloaf, a popular savory main dish of mysterious ingredients! In da opposite corner…

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