Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

164 posts follow

vegetarian, grill, summer, greek

bulgur-stuffed grilled peppers

It's late August, which means pepper season. For many folks, it's also Oh-God-don't-you-dare-turn-on-the-oven-in-the-house season, which makes it challenging to prepare stuffed peppers at the height of pepper ripeness, when they are best. Believe it or not, it was that temperature in San Francisco this weekend, so I devised a way…

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brunch, eggs, vegetarian

caprese omelette tramezzino

I know, more brunch food, right? What can I say, I love brunch. This dish aims to take advantage of ripe summer tomatoes. Ideally, use some interesting heirloom tomatoes for this, like green zebras, Cherokee purples, Early Girls, or San Marzanos. Don't make it with off-season supermarket tomatoes, you'll regret…

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review, vegetarian, cookbooks, vegan

Crossroads: a review

Picture: squash farinata It's not too often that someone gives me a galley of an upcoming cookbook to check out, so I felt that Crossroads by Tal Ronnen deserved a full blog review. So, here goes. If you follow food news at all, Crossroads is the vegan cookbook you're going…

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italy, fish, entree, tomatoes

crazy like a fish

This simple-but-delicious Italian fish dish is called "pesce all'acqua pazza", or "fish in crazy water". Where exactly the name came from isn't clear, but it's one of the more delicious things you can make in less than 20 minutes on the stovetop. More importantly, it's tomato season, so the perfect…

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pottery, brunch

syrup birds

My sweetie and I adore real maple syrup. We have pancakes or waffles or a Dutch Bunny or something almost every weekend. drizzled with some Quebec gold. Nothing like it. However, we found that using the bottle or a creamer for maple syrup left something to be desired. Either it…

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