As a Jew from an observant family (although I'm not), I noticed that there don't seem to be any other Portland area potters making Judaica for sale. So I figured I'd fix that. Having borrowed some designs from my mother, I now have a few things on offer for fellow members of the Tribe, starting with the sale at Leikam Brewing this Sunday.
On the left are travel shabbos candleholders. These are to bring with you any time you're visiting somewhere over the sabbath or other holidays, and need to light candles. I made some of these for my parents, and they've been useful enough that I made some for sale.
In the center is a hand-washing pitcher, which seems super-appropriate given the times. During the handwashing ritual preceding meals, you're supposed to pour water from one hand to the other while saying the prayer. This double-handled pitcher makes it natural to smoothly rinse your hands while saying your "al nitilat yadaim".
I also have mezzuzah covers, both with and without banana slugs. These are ready for you to insert a scroll from your chosen synagogue or yeshiva, and screw securely to your doorframe.
All of these will be available this Sunday:
Sunday, December 12th
1pm to 5pm
Leikam Brewing
5812 East Burnside
Portland, Oregon
After Sunday, I'll put them up in my online store. Shabbat shalom!