Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

166 posts follow

vegetarian, stews and soups, french food

francophilic onion soup

French onion soup, classically, relies heavily on the flavor of beef stock as a key ingredient. So some 20 years ago I decided that I would figure out a vegetarian version of this winter warmer dish that was as good, or better than, the standard meat version. According to multiple…

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pasta, vegetarian, italian food, good first recipe

pasta non carborundum

Here's a super-fast, tasty pasta recipe you may be able to make from ingredients you have in your pantry right now. Like other dishes I'm publishing for quarantine month, fresh ingredients in it are minimal. It's also a Good First Recipe. The name of this dish comes from the mock-Latin…

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cuban food, seafood, good first recipe

rummy shrimp

This is a Cuban recipe I got out of a memoir of 1940s Cuba I read a while back. It's really nice for the current quarantine because the only fresh ingredients it requires are lime juice and parsley, and the latter is optional, and the former can be substituted using…

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