Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

166 posts follow

fish, portland

a brief guide to Portland seafood counters

Over the past 2 years in Portland I have become familiar with pretty much all of the fish markets on the East side, due to various quests to find particular seafood items. I will save you some time by sharing this with you: H-Mart has an excellent fish counter, particularly…

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pottery, shows, cats

kitten cups!

Several years ago I was exhibiting at Cole Valley Fair, and noticed that a lot of kids looked at my adult cat mugs but at $40 each they couldn't afford them. And so my first litter of Kitten Cups was born. These cups are modelled on my own cat Wayne's…

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making pottery, pottery tech, OPA

new tech for clay sprig decoration

Since custom "logoware" is a significant part of my pottery business, I'm quite used to making custom "sprigs" so that I can stick people's logos, names, or other designs on thrown pottery. For a long time I've done this one of two ways: either I order a custom rubber stamp…

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pottery, shows

meet me at the OPA Holiday Sale

Wanna see what I've been up to in the studio for the last 6 months, and what I'm firing now that I have access to a cone 10 kiln again? Then join us at the 2019 Oregon Potters Assocation Holiday Sale. It'll be "Small Business Saturday" (and Sunday) right after…

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pottery, festivals

selling at Fremont Fest 2019

I'll have this syrup bird, and several other items, for sale at this Saturdays's Fremont Fest. Come find me; I'll be in front of Grand Central bakery, between NE 44th and 45th, sharing a booth with Mirabri Ceramics. …

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pizza, grill, italian food

ooni koda hacking, part 1

I really like my Ooni Koda pizza oven, but as I said in the last post I wasn't quite getting the perfect pizza I wanted. Particularly: The top and bottom of the pizza weren't getting done at quite the same rate; The 300F temperature drop between the back and front…

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