Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

166 posts follow

jewish food, humor

Ask the Talmud: Is it a sandwich?

A man and his servants came to see Rabban Gamliel and his court. The man had his servants bring forth an enormous platter of the famous sausages of the great shochet Nathan, each resting in a half-split bun with mustard. The court salivated in anticipation. "I have a question about…

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pottery, brunch, breakfast

syrup birds new flock

TL;DR: New blue and red syrup birds in the online store. We love real maple syrup. And since we tend to do some kind of pancakes or waffles every weekend, we have reason to pour a lot of it. A decade or so ago I decided it was time…

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pottery, slugs

new sluggy soap dishes

TL;DR: new sluggy soap dishes in the shop Ten or twelve years ago (or maybe more) our apartment in San Francisco needed a soap dish. I wanted to make something decorative, and thought about what would look good covered in soap slime. Banana slugs, of course. Thus my first…

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pottery, holidays, shows, beer

pottery show at Leikam brewing

I will once again be selling my pottery at Leikam Brewing's Holiday Craft Fair, on November 27th. Not only will you be able to get mugs & slugs & bowls & birds from me, but this year there will be two other ceramic artists. So visit Leikam and fulfill your…

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