Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

166 posts follow

pottery, jewish food, shows


As a Jew from an observant family (although I'm not), I noticed that there don't seem to be any other Portland area potters making Judaica for sale. So I figured I'd fix that. Having borrowed some designs from my mother, I now have a few things on offer for fellow…

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pottery, shows, cats


Meet the SpoonLu! I like to cook, and that means that I also like making pottery for cooking. While I make many bits of "chefware", among the simplest, yet the most useful are spoonrests. I started out making sluggy spoonrests. But, I wanted to make a special spoonrest as a…

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pottery, holidays, portland, fair

hannukkah craft fair at Leikam

Looks like I am selling my pottery in person this year! Leikam Brewing in Portland -- our town's only kosher beer brewer -- will be hosting craft fairs for both Hanukkah and for Christmas. The first of these is on November 21st, in time for Hanukkah starting on Nov. 28th…

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pottery, making pottery

modern handle methods

When I learned how to put handles on things ... and generally join pieces of clay together ... back in the late Middle Ages, I learned it the way folks have done it for millenia. Score heavily with a sharp tool (like fork), slip, and score again. Then press together and try…

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pasta, vegetarian, italian food

pesto production

In Portland, it is once again final basil harvest. Any basil that's left in the garden will go to seed or just wilt on the cold nights, so we turn it into two things to last the rest of the year: dried basil, and pesto. This is a recipe for…

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summer, seafood, good first recipe

one-pan tomato garlic salmon

Believe it or not, one of the things we do when we stay in a small town vacationing is visit the local library. And in exceptionally nice cases -- and the library in Eastsound is exceptionally nice -- the library offers "guest cards" for a fee that let visitors like…

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