Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

166 posts follow

pottery, business

getting your pottery online part 4

Continuted from Part 3 Part 4: Business Card Sites Most artists most of the time actually want a "bcard" site, and want to handle sales via a phone call. Running an actual online store requires a lot of work that most of us are not prepared to follow through on…

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pottery, business

getting your pottery online part 3

Continued from Part 2: Domains Part 3: The Social Media & Shared Market Alternative Domain registration already takes some artists out of their comfort zone. If so, let me suggest another approach, which involves orchestrating your entire web presence around shared sites so that you don't need to register a…

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pottery, business

getting your pottery online part 2

(please read Part 1 first) Part 2: Domains A "domain" is an online, text address that people can use to find you on the web, such as "" or "". Getting one is your first step if you are going to pursue any path other than "Social Media…

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brunch, vegetarian, jewish food, passover

matzoh brei

Now, I did mention that one of my favorite foods of Passover is matzoh brei, Passover's eggy answer to migas or French toast, depending on how you make it. It's your brunch go-to for the holiday, and if you don't get a chance by Thursday, then make it this weekend…

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pottery, business

getting your pottery online part 1

So you've decided that, due to the virus or otherwise, you want to get an online presence for your pottery studio. This series will outline the steps you need to take and the decisions you need to make in order to make your ceramics web presence a reality. Since it…

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