Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

166 posts follow

pottery, open studio

open studio for National Clay Week

Fuzzychef Pottery will be having an open studio for National Clay Week. Come by, chat, nosh, and watch me throw pottery, trim, and extrude! If you have time, you can get your hands muddy too. Between Mason & Skidmore on NE 75th Ave. (look for sign) Portland, OR, 97218 Sunday…

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vegetarian, salad, good first recipe

high summer salad

If you have a garden, there's a couple of weeks in July when the snap peas are still fruiting, the basil is tall and the tomatoes have started to ripen. Add that to good corn available at the store, and you have the makings of the most summery of summer…

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baking, video, thai food, history

cooking on YouTube

The decline of the Food Network into "reality" programming doesn't mean you have to stop watching good cooking video. It just means you need to go elsewhere to get it, particularly YouTube! There's a bunch of really good, regular cooking shows these days on YouTube covering all kinds of aspects…

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vegetarian, appetizers, dumplings, russian food

making vareniki

New Year's is the big winter holiday in Russia, because of decades of Soviet history during which celebrating Christmas was suspect. If you want to celebrate in Russian style, there's still enough time to make vareniki. Only just, though. Like other dumplings, making vareniki is a labor of love, or…

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pottery, DIY, equipment

building an ABS pipe standing wheel

So first, let me get out of the way that there's very much easier ways to convert your Brent pottery wheel to a standing wheel than building an armature out of ABS pipe. In fact, I'd say that this is one of the most labor-intensive ways to make one. I…

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