pasta, vegetarian, spring

spring pasta with green vegetables

photo of a large serving bowl full of curly pasta with green vegetables and cheese

Spring vegetables are in, and around our house that means salads and pasta. With enough veggies, you can have both in one bowl. You could call this a "pasta primavera", I suppose, although that name has been abused enough that I'd just as well rather not. I'll give you an…

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eggs, vegetarian, cheese, french food

cheeeeeeeeeese!!! (and a souffle)

me holding a box full of gift cheese from Widmer's

One of the few remaining good food magazines is Culture Cheese Mag, to which we've subscribed for more than ten years. Because we love cheese. And one of the things that Culture does periodically is reader giveaways; we've actually won twice, once a decade ago, and once this month. What…

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#portland #politics #voting

District 3 Candidates Forum

photo of the D3 candidates posing after the panel

On Tuesday night, eight candidates for the new Portland City Council District 3 visited Roseway for an informational panel. I came away from this panel with a pretty good idea of who will and won't be on my ranked choice ballot come November. Thanks so much to RNA for organizing…

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pottery, pottery tech

making foot-groove plaster bats

my studio worktable, holding four plates drying on plaster bats.  in the background are five more plaster bats in a metal rack, plus various tools

I'm doing a large order of plates for a customer, which need to match and stack properly (they even have to stack with plates made by another potter, but that's a complication I'll leave out of this article). One problem making porcelain plates is that you have to throw on…

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pottery, shows, cats, jewish

Leikam Hanukkah Sale this Sunday

poster for the leikam hanukkah sale showing artists and giving details

As every year, I will be participating in the Leikam Hanukkah Craft Sale this weekend, along with 7 other artists. Come see us and pick up a few things for your holiday giftees! You can enjoy a kosher beer from Leikam at the same time. Sunday, November 19th 1 to…

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vegetarian, vegan, tomatoes, summer, stews and soups

golden gazpacho

handmade blue ceramic bowl full of yellow-orange gazpacho

I dunno about where you are, but where I am it is super-hot out. Peak of 105F (41C) today. Appalingly hot weather and peak tomato season mean one thing to me: gazpacho. It's a delicious summer dish that requires no heating anything, and is best eaten slightly chilled. I've shared…

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