Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh "FuzzyChef" Berkus

Josh is a potter, open source programmer, avid food geek, former pastry chef, and serious home cook. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

166 posts follow

covid-19, 3Dprint

3d printed hook clasps for masks

Given that I live in Oregon, lots of folks I know have been making masks with bias-tape ties. These have the advantage that they don't require elastic (still in short supply), aren't head-size specific, wash better, and are more secure for long use. However, the ties are super-awkward to tie…

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pasta, vegetarian, cheese, spring

make some cresenza put it on pasta

So we're into the sixth week of isolation, and you've already mastered sourdough. What's next? Well, making your own cheese, of course! While many cheeses like cheddar or brie require special aging environments, there's several cheeses that either require no aging at all, or can be aged in a household…

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pottery, business

getting your pottery online part 6

Continued from Part 5 Part 6: Online Store Builders If you've decided to have an online store, or even full web promotion, then you're going to be looking at a kind of web host called a "site builder." These businesses offer point-and-click website design using custom software and templates, and…

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pottery, business

getting your pottery online part 5

Continued from Part 4. Part 5: Etsy and Its Competitors No review of getting your pottery online would be complete without a nuanced discussion of As the "online craft marketplace," has been, and continues to be, the destination for a lot of potters who just want…

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